Week by Week
This week, you are embarking onto your third trimester. Can you believe you’ve made it this far?! It’s nesting time. Relax and take some rest as this is an important stage in your baby’s lung development. Read a book, drink...
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At 29 weeks, baby is starting to feel a bit crowded, and thanks to surging energy levels, is pretty active. By now, you’re probably getting a preview of baby’s personality by feeling him or her move. By those playful kicks and jabs, you...
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When someone tells you you’re glowing, believe them. You are! At 30 weeks, baby’s position is still head up. Your 30-week fetus is floating comfortably in about 1½ pints of amniotic fluid. It may seem cramped in there, but he...
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Can you believe all five of the baby’s senses are fully developed at 31 weeks? He is also getting smarter, while you may find yourself to be so forgetful! Your baby is around 46cms this week, only 7cms less than the average length of a baby...
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Ready or not? At 32 weeks, while your baby’s birth may still seem far into the future, you and your baby are gearing up for the trip down the birth canal! Baby’s getting ready for her descent – likely in the head-down position,...
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You've almost made it! Just a few more weeks and you will be rocking your little one to sleep. When you can… just sit, breathe and relax. If your baby were born now, it is likely to need some support to help it breathe, but perhaps...
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Sshhhh… watch what you say mommy! Your inquisitive little one can hear everything you say by now. In fact, she may be enjoying the lullaby’s you may hum to yourself, so go ahead and sing to her, don’t worry about being off-key!...
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The neurons and early connections in your baby’s brain are developing even more so that at birth, they will be perfectly wired to receive stimulation. Most babies lose weight in the first week or so after birth, because of using more energy. By...
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Meconium is the sticky, black tarry substance which will form his first bowel motion. Some babies will pass meconium while they are still in the uterus and this can be a sign that they are distressed. If this happens, the amniotic fluid...
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Hey! Mom to be, you are getting so close to the day when you will be finally holding your baby in your arms. You’ve got just three weeks now and you can hear the clock clicking to the final countdown. That is because your baby’s organs...
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The big event could happen any day now. Your baby is probably sitting pretty low in your pelvis, bumping into all kinds of nerves down there. So, while you are dealing with this new discomfort, watch out for sign of labour. There simply isn't enough...
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If your baby was to be born now, his lungs would be mature enough to support him without any medical intervention. In terms of maturity and development, he has done all it needs in making the change to surviving independently. Your baby’s brain...
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Although you're feeling as if you've had enough, chances are your baby isn't perturbed. However, his is very cramped inside your uterus and will soon have to be evicted, no matter how cosy it is. Your doctor will ask you about the baby's movements,...
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You're probably short tempered even with your own shadow this week, waiting in anticipation for "D" day. Even though your due date has come and gone, don't feel as if you're experiencing humanity's longest gestation. Less than 5% of pregnant...
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Being overdue in pregnancy means different things to people. Some expecting women will be quite relaxed about it, confident that the baby will come in its own sweet time. Others are anxious, waiting nervously for something, anything to happen....
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Trimester 3
28 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
This week, you are embarking onto your third trimester. Can you believe you’ve made it this far?! It’s nesting time. Relax and take some rest as this is an important stage in your baby’s lung development. Read a book, drink...
More information on 28 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?29 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
At 29 weeks, baby is starting to feel a bit crowded, and thanks to surging energy levels, is pretty active. By now, you’re probably getting a preview of baby’s personality by feeling him or her move. By those playful kicks and jabs, you...
More information on 29 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?30 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
When someone tells you you’re glowing, believe them. You are! At 30 weeks, baby’s position is still head up. Your 30-week fetus is floating comfortably in about 1½ pints of amniotic fluid. It may seem cramped in there, but he...
More information on 30 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?31 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
Can you believe all five of the baby’s senses are fully developed at 31 weeks? He is also getting smarter, while you may find yourself to be so forgetful! Your baby is around 46cms this week, only 7cms less than the average length of a baby...
More information on 31 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?32 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
Ready or not?! At 32 weeks, while your baby’s birth may still seem far into the future, you and your baby are gearing up for the trip down the birth canal! Baby’s getting ready for her descent – likely in the head-down position,...
More information on 32 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?33 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
You've almost made it! Just a few more weeks and you will be rocking your little one to sleep. When you can… just sit, breathe and relax. If your baby were born now, it is likely to need some support to help it breathe, but perhaps...
More information on 33 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?34 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
Sshhhh… watch what you say mommy! Your inquisitive little one can hear everything you say by now. In fact, she may be enjoying the lullaby’s you may hum to yourself, so go ahead and sing to her, don’t worry about being off-key!...
More information on 34 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?35 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
The neurons and early connections in your baby’s brain are developing even more so that at birth, they will be perfectly wired to receive stimulation. Most babies lose weight in the first week or so after birth, because of using more energy. By...
More information on 35 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?36 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
Meconium is the sticky, black tarry substance which will form his first bowel motion. Some babies will pass meconium while they are still in the uterus and this can be a sign that they are distressed. If this happens, the amniotic fluid...
More information on 36 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?37 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
Hey! Mom to be, you are getting so close to the day when you will be finally holding your baby in your arms. You’ve got just three weeks now and you can hear the clock clicking to the final countdown. That is because your baby’s organs...
More information on 37 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?38 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
The big event could happen any day now. Your baby is probably sitting pretty low in your pelvis, bumping into all kinds of nerves down there. So, while you are dealing with this new discomfort, watch out for sign of labour. There simply isn't enough...
More information on 38 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?39 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
If your baby was to be born now, his lungs would be mature enough to support him without any medical intervention. In terms of maturity and development, he has done all it needs in making the change to surviving independently. Your baby’s brain...
More information on 39 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?40 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
Although you're feeling as if you've had enough, chances are your baby isn't perturbed. However, his is very cramped inside your uterus and will soon have to be evicted, no matter how cosy it is. Your doctor will ask you about the baby's movements,...
More information on 40 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?41 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
You're probably short tempered even with your own shadow this week, waiting in anticipation for "D" day. Even though your due date has come and gone, don't feel as if you're experiencing humanity's longest gestation. Less than 5% of pregnant...
More information on 41 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?42 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
Being overdue in pregnancy means different things to people. Some expecting women will be quite relaxed about it, confident that the baby will come in its own sweet time. Others are anxious, waiting nervously for something, anything to happen....
More information on 42 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?INTERESTED ARTICLES

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