Active Baby Active baby
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Active baby
Activity and play
Learning and development
Diaper tips.
Expert on toddler care

How Active Your Baby is

10 things to keep in mind when your baby cries

Active baby

Changing your toddlers diaper takes on a whole new meaning when they discover their legs and are far too busy to stop and lie down for a diaper change. This active toddler stage often coincides with your toddler's developing independence and the use of the word "no". Here are a few tips to help you through this phase.

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everything you need to know about imaginaive play

Activity and play

Play time with baby and toddlers is fun and often brings lots of laughs. Play is also a very important contributor to physical and emotional development of your baby.

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a baby learns by seeing

Learning and development

It’s a phase to test and learn. That’s what all babies do. It is important however to understand how your baby thinks and what is important to keep in mind. Here are some cues.

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step by step guide to diapering1

Diaper tips.

Changing diapers can be a challenging, especially for a new mother. It is as important to know, as it is to know which is the right diaper for your baby. In this section we will try to help you understand important things like diaper rashes, how many times to change diapers and how to make sure your baby is comfortable in diapers.

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Expert on toddler care

Get to know what popular bloggers and parenting destinations are saying about toddler care. Have a specific question? Write to us on our facebook page and we will try getting an expert to answer your question.

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Tips to Keep Your Baby Active, Diaper Tips & Expert Talks 29/01/2020

All about your baby's brain development.

Raising a child in today’s fast world can be daunting. There’s always an immense pressure on children, and by extension on you as a parent to do so much more. The competition begins at such an early age, along with more and more confusion...

Toddler Speech Development
Tips to Keep Your Baby Active, Diaper Tips & Expert Talks 29/01/2020

Tips to develop you toddler's verbal skills.

Your little one has begun to show her enthusiasm and is trying to catch up with all the talking. Let’s look at some of the simple yet effective ways to keep her talking. Keep your communication short, sweet and simple This way your...

गर्भावस्था 23/01/2020

Best time to get pregnant.

Best time to get pregnant When is the best time to get pregnant in a woman’s cycle? Getting pregnant has a lot to do with timing. Having sex as close as possible to the day of ovulation (when an egg is released from one of your ovaries)...

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