Week by Week
Forget everything you’ve heard about the moment you find out you’re pregnant. The movies tell us that right after getting a positive on your pregnancy test, the morning sickness and cravings will follow. This is not entirely true! This is...
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Although being 2 weeks pregnant may sound like you are on your way, there is still some time to go before your bun is in the oven. But, with a couple of well-timed interventions and a little luck, you and your partner will be able to make the most of...
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Give yourself some time to celebrate, because reaching the 3rd week means conception! Being 3 weeks pregnant means that one of your partner's sperm and one of your eggs have combined and you are in the earliest of stages of pregnancy. If, by chance,...
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This week you can look forward to implantation! The embryo, which is now called a blastocyst, has found its way to the uterus and is looking for a suitable place to nestle in for the next 36 weeks or so. Implantation usually happens at around the...
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By the time you are 5 weeks pregnant, you may be very aware about something going on. Your period hasn't come when...
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If you haven't already done a pregnancy test, this is the time. You can buy pregnancy urine tests from the supermarket or chemist which are almost just as accurate as the ones used in doctor's surgeries. By the time you are six weeks pregnant,...
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Give yourself a pat on the back because you are now officially just over half way through your first trimester. Even though you might not feel your best, and you might not look pregnant yet, remember that your body is working overtime to grow your...
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You are only 4 weeks away from completing your first trimester! Time really does fly during these weeks. It's still important to be careful about limiting your exposure to any toxins, viruses or chemicals which could potentially harm the baby as it's...
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As you approach the last month of your first trimester, being pregnant isn’t such a foreign concept anymore. At 9 weeks of pregnancy, your baby has become a permanent fixture and is probably making its presence well and truly felt. Although the...
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From the time you are 10 weeks pregnant until term, most of your baby's changes will be targeted towards their growth and maturity. Essentially, they are a miniature version of how they will be at birth. All of their organs have formed now and are...
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You are almost a third of your way through your entire pregnancy and close to the end of your first trimester. If this is your first time pregnant, it will all be new and exciting. But even if you've had other children, each pregnancy is a little...
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You've almost made it to the end of your 1st trimester, the one many women find the hardest of the 3. So take a deep breath and give yourself that much needed peace and rest: you’ve earned it. Speaking of taking deep breaths, you may as well...
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By the time you are 13 weeks pregnant, you are rapidly closing in on the end of your first trimester. Hopefully, you are feeling a little better than you have been and are starting to think that somehow, pregnancy isn't so bad after all. You've...
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Trimester 1
1 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
Forget everything you’ve heard about the moment you find out you’re pregnant. The movies tell us that right after getting a positive on your pregnancy test, the morning sickness and cravings will follow. This is not entirely true! This is...
More information on 1 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?2 Weeks Pregnant – What To Expect?
Although being 2 weeks pregnant may sound like you are on your way, there is still some time to go before your bun is in the oven. But, with a couple of well-timed interventions and a little luck, you and your partner will be able to make the most of...
More information on 2 Weeks Pregnant – What To Expect?3 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
Give yourself some time to celebrate, because reaching the 3rd week means conception! Being 3 weeks pregnant means that one of your partner's sperm and one of your eggs have combined and you are in the earliest of stages of pregnancy. If, by chance,...
More information on 3 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?4 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
This week you can look forward to implantation! The embryo, which is now called a blastocyst, has found its way to the uterus and is looking for a suitable place to nestle in for the next 36 weeks or so. Implantation usually happens at around the...
More information on 4 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?5 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
By the time you are 5 weeks pregnant, you may be very aware about something going on. Your period hasn't come when you expected it to and you are at least a week overdue. You may even be starting to feel distinctly different to how you usually do but...
More information on 5 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?6 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
If you haven't already done a pregnancy test, this is the time. You can buy pregnancy urine tests from the supermarket or chemist which are almost just as accurate as the ones used in doctor's surgeries. By the time you are six weeks pregnant,...
More information on 6 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?7 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
Give yourself a pat on the back because you are now officially just over half way through your first trimester. Even though you might not feel your best, and you might not look pregnant yet, remember that your body is working overtime to grow your...
More information on 7 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?8 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
You are only 4 weeks away from completing your first trimester! Time really does fly during these weeks. It's still important to be careful about limiting your exposure to any toxins, viruses or chemicals which could potentially harm the baby as it's...
More information on 8 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?9 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
As you approach the last month of your first trimester, being pregnant isn’t such a foreign concept anymore. At 9 weeks of pregnancy, your baby has become a permanent fixture and is probably making its presence well and truly felt. Although the...
More information on 9 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?10 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
From the time you are 10 weeks pregnant until term, most of your baby's changes will be targeted towards their growth and maturity. Essentially, they are a miniature version of how they will be at birth. All of their organs have formed now and are...
More information on 10 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?11 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
You are almost a third of your way through your entire pregnancy and close to the end of your first trimester. If this is your first time pregnant, it will all be new and exciting. But even if you've had other children, each pregnancy is a little...
More information on 11 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?12 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
You've almost made it to the end of your 1st trimester, the one many women find the hardest of the 3. So take a deep breath and give yourself that much needed peace and rest: you’ve earned it. Speaking of taking deep breaths, you may as well...
More information on 12 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?13 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?
By the time you are 13 weeks pregnant, you are rapidly closing in on the end of your first trimester. Hopefully, you are feeling a little better than you have been and are starting to think that somehow, pregnancy isn't so bad after all. You've...
More information on 13 Week Pregnant - What To Expect?INTERESTED ARTICLES

Male fertility and female fertility – know the difference.
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