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Tips to develop you toddler's verbal skills.

Toddler Speech Development

Your little one has begun to show her enthusiasm and is trying to catch up with all the talking. Let’s look at some of the simple yet effective ways to keep her talking.

  1. Keep your communication short, sweet and simple

    This way your little one will not get intimidated but understand what you’re saying. Perhaps, she’ll also imitate you and learn from it.

  2. Model the language for your toddler

    Modelling gives your child an opportunity to hear the language and then practice it. Use simple sentences as short as your child's or only slightly longer. If it's too hard then your child is unlikely to copy or use it.

  3. Add on to your child’s words

    Adding to what your child says allows her to learn new words and hear how words are put together. Also, acknowledge what she said in a positive way. And while she may not repeat the longer sentence, but she may try later.

  4. Give her more chances

    When asking questions, give her a choice of responses. In doing so, you increase her chance of success and model language at the same time.

  5. Always remember

Children develop talking skills at different rates. And one must respond positively to every attempt she makes. She’ll make mistakes and that’s a part of learning. So, praise her still, because she then she’ll try again. Repeat yourself as children need to hear the same words and phrases repeatedly before they will use them. And while we cannot emphasize this enough… talk, read and play with your little one! Always listen to her and make sure that you respond to her. And that’s the best recipe to growing your child’s verbal abilities.



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