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How do you know when to size up on diapers?

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Have you ever tried reading the size guidelines on the side of a box of diapers? If so, you've quickly realized just how tricky diaper sizing can be. Perhaps your baby's current diapers are ever-so-slightly snug, but you're not quite sure if your little one is ready for the next size? Well, here are a few simple signs that will let you know when it's time to move up a size in diapers!

Here are some signs that tell you when to size up.

1. You notice outflows on several occasions

One of the most obvious signs of a too-small diaper is when your little one is constantly leaking through diapers or having "blowouts." While parents may sometimes jump to the conclusion that the problem lies with the brand of diaper they're using, but a diaper that is too small won't be able to contain your little one’s messes, no matter what brand it is. Try sizing up and see if that eliminates the problem.

2. You spot red marks around your baby’s thighs

This is a telltale sign that the diapers are too snug. The elastic around the leg should have some stretch, but if the diaper is too small, it won't fit properly and will create these red marks. This is a time to move up a size in diapers.

3. Difficulty connecting the diaper tabs at your baby's waist

This could be a sign that it's time to move up a size. A diaper should close easily without having to tug and pull at them. Also, consider the rise of the diaper. A properly fitting diaper should come just slightly below your little one's belly button. If it's fitting a little more like a low rise, it's time to move on up!

4. Go through the instructions on the box

This may seem obvious, but if your child is approaching the upper limit of the diaper's weight range (i.e., you have a 16-pound baby in 12- to 18-pound size diapers) it may be time to consider a switch. The weight limits are based on average-sized babies, but not all babies are shaped the same. With some diaper sizes, my daughter had to move up well before the weight limit on the box, but with other sizes (like her current size 4 diapers) she's above the weight limit by a pound or two, and they still fit fine. Try different sizes, and see what works best for your child.



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